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The reason why Calstar is popular to open oil-water recovery machine

2020 01/02

Kaishui, also known as diluent. It is to adjust the viscosity of ink and improve the applicability of printing. In addition, it can dilute the coloring power, increase the printing area and significantly reduce the cost. Open oil is a solvent to dilute ink or paint. When the ink is dry, it will affect the effect of the pattern, especially the smoothness and brightness.
The main components of the oil and water are toluene (about 20%) and xylene (about 20%) and other solvents (about 60%).
The reason why the development of oil-water recovery machine by Calstar is popular among enterprises is that the development of oil-water recovery machine meets the comprehensive benefits of enterprises and the country. Save money: greatly save the cost of purchasing new oil and water; wide range of recovery: many kinds of organic oil and water can be recovered; environmental protection significance: waste organic oil and water can be recycled to reduce the environmental pollution of waste oil and water.
Open oil and water storage mode and precautions handling and storage precautions closed operation, strengthen ventilation. Operators must be specially trained and strictly abide by the operating procedures. It is recommended that the operators wear self-priming half mask, chemical safety goggles, toxic penetration resistant overalls and rubber oil resistant gloves. Keep away from fire, heat source and workplace. Smoking is strictly prohibited. Use explosion-proof ventilation system and equipment. Handle with care to prevent damage to packaging and containers. Match with corresponding types and quantities of fire-fighting equipment and leakage emergency treatment equipment. Empty containers may contain harmful substances.
Precautions for oil and water storage shall be stored in a cool and ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat. The storage temperature should not exceed 60 ℃. Keep container sealed. It should be stored separately from oxidant and edible chemicals, and mixed storage is forbidden. Use explosion-proof lighting and ventilation facilities. It is forbidden to use machines, equipment and tools that are easy to produce sparks. The storage area shall be equipped with leakage emergency treatment equipment and suitable receiving materials.

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